Oh, it's soo bad, soo bad. But check it out, they all have matching haircuts!!! AHAHAHA
A (mostly) mobile blog about the life (vaguely non-existent) of a recent Master's graduate navigating through San Francisco, and soon, Chicago. A collection of cool geeky tech stuff, odd grad/med school anecdotes, and random happenstance. Not getting too much into it, let's just say I fight cancer (in general).
28 December 2008
19 December 2008
09 December 2008
07 December 2008
Polite people asking me to rob them.
90s Alternative Dance Party otherwise known as Debaser
So last Saturday night, I met up with a few grad students to hit up this awesome dance party "Debaser" at the Knock Out in the mission. The place is a cool scene with ironic hipsters in flannel everywhere. And for some reason, i think the new "hip" drink is Tecate. I'll stick to my hoegarden, thank you very much. Anyway, it was a solid night for nirvana, mosh pit dancing, and crowd surfing. I had enough to drink to inspire me to do the "Carleton Dance" from Fresh Prince of Belair. I couldn't help it with the 90s theme of the night. Did I mention that the bar we stopped at first played "Hold On" by Wilson Philips? Fun times and I didn't feel the effects of alcohol like i used to. Woo!
I'm not used to not having finals this semester. I have a presentation on tuesday (read: procrastination) and a paper on friday. Good times.. Well off to work I go!
29 November 2008
26 November 2008
Indie Running Song of the Week: Young Galaxy - The Alchemy Between Us
I love the floaty dancey muzak, makes for a relaxing run.
25 November 2008
Karaoke with songs from your ipod!
So I just got this new karaoke game for the xbox which comes with two wireless microphones. Completely awesome! You can connect your ipod to your xbox and sing along with songs from your playlists. Not only that, you can just leave the game on jukebox mode and just have your songs playing in the background. And should someone (sober or not) want to sing along at the current song playing, all they need to do is shake the microphone and start singing.
Finally! I can stop buying karaoke revolution 6,7,8 now. I'll upload a clip that I took while karaoking to Melody's band, "The Definite Articles" (check them out on myspace). I'll post that soon as I can.
Balboa sushi
I went to see the new bond movie last week with my friends from grad school, Tina and Natalie. On the way home, we stopped by balboa sushi. Great sushi spot. Check out the size of this roll for $6.50! They even gave us a free roll too!
I'm currently planning a kayaking trip with andrea. Really cool girl. I'm going to be adventurous and opt for the starlight paddle.
Alright, I'm going to pass out and sleep.
23 November 2008
19 November 2008
16 November 2008
10 November 2008
05 November 2008
31 October 2008
Happy Halloween!
26 October 2008
I think I'm planning my next visit up to France again....
25 October 2008
24 October 2008
Dimsum at work!
22 October 2008
16 October 2008
And all I needed was some cranberry vodkas...

They give you wiiiiiiiiings...
15 October 2008
Indie Running music: Love it all by The Kooks
I like to chill out to this music on a nice a day...and it helps smooth out a run..
13 October 2008
12 October 2008
Oh noes, online predators!!!
11 October 2008
Grad Student Party!
Sam, one of our grad students had an interesting drunk conversation about how taxonomy of arachnids and primates… Even our drunk babble is geeky...
I really had to thank my group for pulling together and helping me. I decided to give them the week off and resume our meeting the week after. I'm sure many of them have tons of work to catch up. I need to start thinking about the travel grants …
It's been so busy lately, I'm sure I'm ignoring some people. I didn't even get a chance to go run as much as I wanted too..
02 October 2008
Running Indie Song of the day! : Magic Numbers - This is a Song
So every few days, I'll update my blog with my favorite indie song that I listen to when I run. The beat is pretty consistent, fits my pace and is just plain awesome. Check this out and let me know in the comments what you think?
14 September 2008
McCain's Roommates..
03 September 2008
Remember When....: UC Davis Republicans
You know, Davis Republicans do have it tough. They don't even get to have a multi colored flag or anything. I'm starting to feel bad for them.. I mean, he couldn't even roleplay his part...
Creepy Bush poster with Arnold in the back (well, any photo of Bush is creepy...).
31 August 2008
Cafe Revolution: A classical evening with Melody, Dara and Pascal
After my very long day in the lab, partially due to interruptions from people on facebook and my own slow ways, I decided to join Melody, Pascal and Dara at Cafe Revolution. It was pretty amazing that they had Classical music on nights at the cafe. I think I enjoyed this more than going to a bar and just listening to club hits. Not that I'm against those type of music. Sometimes you just have to break out of the monotony. Awesome times were had all around. Some questions are lingering... Did Melody get with that cute guy at the cafe? Who was that old lady who came in to get a cookie? What was that guy writing about in his notebook? Will Pascal ever get to read my blog?
Interestingly, I can't wait till Melody starts her own blog. I'll have to show her how to do that sometime. Enjoy the clip of the video, it turned out better than I thought it would...
Updated: Apparently that night, Pascal told me of some song that gave him nightmares. Apparently he dreamed about killing his ex, and then another similar dream about killing someone else. Creepy song.
30 August 2008
Completely appropriate lab attire...
our good friends at [pharm company]. You can never get too dressed up,
I say.
25 August 2008
Day of Firsts: Grad school and Salsa Class
The grad school orientation was both helpful and insightful. I got to meet many of the other grad students in my program, many of which were nice. The others i didn't meet, but i assume that they're nice too. I also realize that my handwriting needs work and that when i get nervous, i lose all track of thought. I'm going to try to get into the habit of writing on paper every once in a while and to stop relying on my laptop to take notes. I also realized that there's only 3 asian guys in my program. Wow, I am in the minority. This feels weird. The rest are hot grad students... Rawr... All in all, I think I'm in for a good year..
Salsa class however was frightening. This class picks up fast and glosses past a lot of things such as setting up open breaks, hand positions, etc. I also was in a horrible position because I couldn't see what the instructor was doing. And when i did turn around to see him, I couldn't see the correct foot or hand placement. It kinda made me feel like I was going in blind. I'm hoping that thursday will be a little slower and smaller, and I'll be able to retain more.
Eeep I say, eep.
Here's a few videos of grad school orientation that i recorded from my phone. Interestingly, you can only hear me as the mic doesn't pick up well.
Here are some clips. I'm streaming these videos, so sometimes the signal isn't too good and there's a delay and pauses in some of these videos
24 August 2008
15 August 2008
01 August 2008
Woefully awesome.
23 July 2008
17 July 2008
16 July 2008
13 July 2008
12 July 2008
Iphone wait nearing end
Which is fine, wanted to get the 8gb anyways. 5 people ahead.
iPhone wait #2
line looks very reasonable. It doesn't look too long. Apparently
still in stock.
11 July 2008
iPhone craziness
Updated 11:30pm: So I wasn't able to get an iphone because i actually wanted to get to work on time. Irregardless (not a word), I am going to try for Burlingame sometime in the afternoon. I'm going hiking tomorrow morning and I rather spend time interacting with people than waste time (or at the very least, have my priorities straight, hang out with people, and then wait for the iphone...)
I don't need to be the first person to get one, but I'd like to get one sometime this weekend mainly because you all know I'm gadget freak (I did however get a wii 3 days before anyone else got theirs.. soooo maybe I'm lucky in other ways..).
10 July 2008
07 July 2008
Electric Guitar Canon Rock in D Major
Completely and utterly amazing what this guy can do...He's pretty famous now, doing live versions...
01 July 2008
Mountain on fire!
parents. Good thing the fog and cold took care of it.
30 June 2008
29 June 2008
23 June 2008
Funny Ad
21 June 2008
12 June 2008
Awesome indie rock shooter game
Basically, you play guitar riffs and other melodies, as you score points shooting things... quite awesome...
11 June 2008
Woohoo! My laptop is fixed...
So here's the workout plan so far since two weeks ago. Circuit training 3x a week MWF. Running 5x a week.. I should up the mileage, since lately, i'm not getting tired from running. It's been nice walking around in Pacific Heights with such warm weather in San Francisco. I feel like I've gotta take advantage and see some of the shows around here...I do want to see another improv show again...
09 June 2008
07 June 2008
03 June 2008
Grad School... tis crazy
I blame it on my experiments. So in order to fix this problem of mine, I decided to improve aspects of my dissections in order to get it on the rig faster. I will probably start a brand new protocol of how I am able to isolate motor neurons faster. I was surprised that there weren't any protocols made like this before. Putting neurons on the rig is easy and fast for me, and the readings aren't bad. A little more work is required before i get that down.
I joined 24 hour Fitness FitLite! It's awesome, and I really feel like all parts of my body is getting the attention they deserve. The fact that it's basically near my work, is an added bonus.
Ran 3x week last week and did fitlite 1x on friday. Fitlite 1x on monday, no running on monday since my running gym was closed and I was way too tired today. Plans for this week includes a pseudo reunion celebrating Brother Draper.
Basshunter - Vi sitter i Ventrilo och spelar DotA
WOW and DotA... hilarious and yes, i play both of those...
29 May 2008
Upgrading laptop processor M1330
28 May 2008
Hipster vampire orgy in san francisco nightclub
Apparently, in 2:51, Wallpaper makes an appearance...
The Rapture w/the Presets rock the Frisco Disco
Wooo! Too bad they closed this down.. Love the music though..
Summer Vacation!! Well, not really..
I've never ever taken classes at SFSU during the summer, so i don't know how the summers are like on campus. Parking is WAY better. Lines for food are shorter, weather is warmer, etc. I do hope it gets unbarely warm so that i can roll into lab in flip flops and sunglasses. There's actually a Bridges program that's underway which I'd like to be a part of if I can but I'm already strapped for time already. I'd like to mentor some high school students. My mom teaches clinical nursing at USF, which I'm not sure she has to do for her doctorate, so I'd like to do that someday. I think it would be awesome to teach neurobiology at the community college.
Let's hope it gets warm this summer...
25 May 2008
Ebay bid sniping, building an awesome portable gaming laptop..
Also I am selling my sony vaio laptop t150 on craigslist, so hopefully that should garner me a couple of hundreds of dollars...
Gary would be pleased to know that once i get my larger hard, i'll probably dual boot Mac OS X Leopard...
24 May 2008
18 May 2008
Goodbye Sony Vaio VGN-FS690, Hello XPS Dell M1330 gaming laptop
What I also like the most is that if later, I can upgrade the memory, the hard drive, the processor even! It's completely super easy even a caveman could do it. No longer will I have to pry open an entire laptop to get to the components. There's a manual which tells you how to replace almost every single component in the laptop. It's also crazy thin! You can bet that I'll be scouring for upgradeable items online... Who knew that something my brother wanted to get , I ended up trading a sony vaio for...
Roth's Indie Fashion
Here's some stuff I've ordered that are pretty rare or usually hard to find.

So the hoodie has a v-neck and is imported from Japan. About $50 (pricey i know). A price i pay for having something relatively rare in the states. The sweaters are a $20 a piece though, and are nice. And i rest easy knowing that I have something pretty original and pretty styling...
This is what I'm hoping to get in about a week too. Kinda pricey being $75 and all.. Urk

I'll post photos of how they look...
17 May 2008
14 May 2008
10 May 2008
A coffin for old hipsters
Save Ferris live in San Francisco
Remember Ska? Remember Save Ferris? Save Ferris has a show @ Bottom of the Hill when all of the sudden, a fire breaks out. Craziness..
08 May 2008
07 May 2008
Finally some Paris photos
Like I promised, some photos of the trip..I'd write a long blog, detailing my adventures with wine, egg throwing Parisians, crazy cops, and more free wine but I need to study for my quiz tomorrow. Probably during lecture.
03 May 2008
25 April 2008
Error! French keyboard.
24 April 2008
European adventure: Hot girls
Toronto. It's ridiculous! They definitely got style. Especially in
London, even though they're covered up, wow. I'm going to try and take
some photos if I can without seeming pervy.
It also looks like I will be blogging through my iPhone so don't
expect long wonderful Gary-esque narrations. Cheerio!
20 April 2008
San Francisco Music Scene: The Definite Articles at Kimo's
Saturday night was the Definite Articles first night with their two new members Gabe (bass) and Molly (keyboard). Molly's got a great voice and I loved her keyboard. Gabe did awesome as well (as much as a non-musical person like me can tell). I can totally tell the difference from their first show without these two and I'm looking forward to their future show.
By the way, I was doing a little merchandising (free) and publicity for the band. I'm not a big indie guy, but a supporter of their group, so i'm not sure if I came off totally lame. I gotta brush up with my PR skills the next time I'm doing merchandising. I finally got myself a cool new button from the show.
Seriously the show was great, and even Gabe commented on saying that the applause they got were really genuine. I really wish they could have seen what I've seen from the crowd. Although the crowd wasn't as big as their Retox show, a little more than a few people really getting into it. I'm looking forward to their CD release date on May 21st, at the Rickshaw stop. It's going to great.
17 April 2008
San Francisco Indie Concerts: "Jermaine, is that you??"
Also, I'm looking forward to this weekend's Definite Article show at Kimo which has had a reputation for being really grungy. I've been to dive bars (well, not that divey, i plan to make a trip out to the high tide some time).
I seriously feel like Mel in Flight of the conchords because apparently, i'm the only who so far rsvp on attending...
15 April 2008
12 April 2008
Sushi Nobu and a movie in Davis...
So this saturday i return to my favorite hot spot of all time with Michaela, Sushi Nobu. They added some new rolls such as spicy tuna cucumber roll and Roll 69 (which is spicy and good!). Of course i had my regular rolls of crazy monkey, dragon, etc... They also changed the fish to rice ratio, so there's no real excuse to leave any rice behind! The pictures speak for themselves... mmm, something to look forward to on saturday..
Just look at how huge that freaking salmon is and how small the rice is!!
Plus it was a nice bright and sunny day.. Ah, how i love California...
10 April 2008
09 April 2008
08 April 2008
Debarge - Rhythm Of The Night
Total 80s! Tell the name of the movie this was in, and i'll be impressed.
Robot Chicken - Star Wars - The Sith
If you're wondering where i got the phrase in my about profile...
06 April 2008
Whoa.. it's been a while..
01 April 2008
Trader joe's
Trying some trade joe's mandarin chicken. I might have overdid the chicken a bit, but other than that, pretty tasty (600 cals without rice). Luckily, i ran today. I recommend trader joe to grad students. Tasty meals, cheap prices (3.00 for this package!). Fresh! Fresh! Fresh!I'm also so glad to be running again. I was a bit into WOW for the last bit and now i think i got a good balance going..
4-day running streak at 4.7 miles, and weights.
31 March 2008
Eurotrip Robot fight scene
Because I'm going to paris, i'd figured i'd get a bit acquainted with the culture a bit...
30 March 2008
The Wicker Man - Comedy Trailer
Alright, thanks to colin, i can't stop laughing at the wicker man. Check this piece of awesomeness out...
29 March 2008
Pub Quiz night!
After, running around in san francisco, Gary decides to chill with his homey Roth. So after some really good food at the pancake house, we decided to take in a pub quiz night on irving.
As always, Gary scores well with ladies by bringing some guinness to the table. I was ordered some pear cider. It was good! Blackthorn tavern was pretty empty on a monday, but hey, i'm just glad we got some seats and weren't last.
Why can't my life be a musical?
I went with a few coworkers to this awesome musical in the city called "The Student Gypsy." Really funny, with corny jokes thrown in the mix. I'm going to mark it as one of many potential date places. It's in the embarcadero, so it definitely gives an option for a nice walk at night near the pier. Osha thai is nearby as well and parking is plentiful ($6.00 if you do decide to pay for parking). Lynette showcases her princess umbrella as it was raining that night.. brrr.