11 October 2008

Grad Student Party!

Last Thursday we had an awesome grad student party. It was my first debut as GSCB president and it turned out really well. I wish I had my camera to take photos but it was awesome to see everyone there. More interestingly, I noticed we have more women than girls in our department. No complaints, I love nerdy girls who wear glasses. It's one of my weakness, hah! Apparently the food went quick, and fruit and veggies were a big hit. I think I'll try to include some sweets next time. We went through a lot of alcohol too, I guess three cases are the minimum. These guys can sure drink…

Sam, one of our grad students had an interesting drunk conversation about how taxonomy of arachnids and primates… Even our drunk babble is geeky...

I really had to thank my group for pulling together and helping me. I decided to give them the week off and resume our meeting the week after. I'm sure many of them have tons of work to catch up. I need to start thinking about the travel grants …

It's been so busy lately, I'm sure I'm ignoring some people. I didn't even get a chance to go run as much as I wanted too..

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