27 March 2008

Grad School Life: The Lab

So as many of you know (i.e. Gary), i got into grad school at SFSU. Good program, nearby, and hopefully fun. It'll be different from last job where i had an office, a view and hot coworkers. Oh well, time to move on. Here's a virtual tour. I hope to include the classrooms where I hope to TA.

So this is where we keep our butterflies after they hatch. I always wonder about a few that escape to annoy anyone who's in the lab. Ah well, as you can see the lab is up in the top floor so we get decent sunlight and stuff. Not a bad atmosphere to work in.

Here is a bit more of the lab where i do the dissections. Pretty sterile, clean and vacant (spring break).

Here is my work station, where i keep the bugs on chill to anesthetize them (before i rip out their CNS). Here's a piece of my work, opened and laid out for all to see. I think this is the part where i cut out the digestive cavity and start isolating the cns. The next step is to locate the motor neuron and then have it a rig where i can start recording firing of the ecdysis pattern. Good thing we did a lot of this at Davis, so i have some experience in recording from a transducer. I probably need more practice isolating the CNS motor neuron...

This is the break room with two macs and two PCs. I just wish it had a couch.

1 comment:

Gary said...

Dude, what kind of bug is splayed open?