I've been roughly on Asian Avenue two months longer than Gary, and if there was a side by side comparison, it looks like Gary's getting all the love. Seriously, check it out, there's a no photo on his main page, and he has like 216 hits. I have, 12 hits on my page. What the hell? I'm going to need to hire a new photo person to take my photos for myspace and facebook. You think i'm kidding...
Today, I ran for 50 minutes at 10:30 pace, lifted 180lbs @ 2 sets of 20, butterfly curls @ the same, and then 120 elevated crunches before i hit the books again... Looking forward to this friday for my friend's wife's quals party. I think chocolate should do it.

So, I
Duuude, you just need to clean up your page a little. Ya know, add some pics and add a little TLC. Also, check other peoples profiles. The more you do that, the greater number will check your profile out.
Still, it's a travesty!
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