Because I'm going to paris, i'd figured i'd get a bit acquainted with the culture a bit...
A (mostly) mobile blog about the life (vaguely non-existent) of a recent Master's graduate navigating through San Francisco, and soon, Chicago. A collection of cool geeky tech stuff, odd grad/med school anecdotes, and random happenstance. Not getting too much into it, let's just say I fight cancer (in general).
31 March 2008
30 March 2008
The Wicker Man - Comedy Trailer
Alright, thanks to colin, i can't stop laughing at the wicker man. Check this piece of awesomeness out...
29 March 2008
Pub Quiz night!
After, running around in san francisco, Gary decides to chill with his homey Roth. So after some really good food at the pancake house, we decided to take in a pub quiz night on irving.
As always, Gary scores well with ladies by bringing some guinness to the table. I was ordered some pear cider. It was good! Blackthorn tavern was pretty empty on a monday, but hey, i'm just glad we got some seats and weren't last.
Why can't my life be a musical?
I went with a few coworkers to this awesome musical in the city called "The Student Gypsy." Really funny, with corny jokes thrown in the mix. I'm going to mark it as one of many potential date places. It's in the embarcadero, so it definitely gives an option for a nice walk at night near the pier. Osha thai is nearby as well and parking is plentiful ($6.00 if you do decide to pay for parking). Lynette showcases her princess umbrella as it was raining that night.. brrr.
27 March 2008
Grad School Life: The Lab
So this is where we keep our butterflies after they hatch. I always wonder about a few that escape to annoy anyone who's in the lab. Ah well, as you can see the lab is up in the top floor so we get decent sunlight and stuff. Not a bad atmosphere to work in.
Here is a bit more of the lab where i do the dissections. Pretty sterile, clean and vacant (spring break).
Here is my work station, where i keep the bugs on chill to anesthetize them (before i rip out their CNS). Here's a piece of my work, opened and laid out for all to see. I think this is the part where i cut out the digestive cavity and start isolating the cns. The next step is to locate the motor neuron and then have it a rig where i can start recording firing of the ecdysis pattern. Good thing we did a lot of this at Davis, so i have some experience in recording from a transducer. I probably need more practice isolating the CNS motor neuron...
This is the break room with two macs and two PCs. I just wish it had a couch.
26 March 2008
24 March 2008
About my blog title.
I'm optimistic though. Life has a way of bringing us back together, by a song, an image in a store, or a holiday. We remember people who aren't always around or off doing something else. So even though, we might drift away, as slowly as petals, we come back together in ways unbeknownst to ourselves. This blog is to do just that. Holding onto connections while making new ones.*Cue emo music "Transatlanticism" by Death Cab for Cutie*
22 March 2008
Spring Break.. what?
18 March 2008
Running again!
Finally, my coughing fits are few and far in between and I can finally breathe! Though, I won't be going up to tahoe to go snowboarding. I do need still need to take it easy and if I'm going to put my health at risk, I rather do it running (and lifting). So this is my tiny little gym that I use. I love it! No one's around, i have full use of all of the equipment. And i don't get bothered. It's my place of Zen. It's been a while since i've worked out, so some of my exercises have been
Thursday I've got my grad class presentation. I called up Pascal to see what's up and what's he's up to. He told me that I could benefit a lot from increased mileage.
Miles: 4.7 (I'm still coughing)
(P.S. Everytime i see that stop button, i just want to tag it hammertime)
17 March 2008
Can't touch this.

Happy St. Patricks' Day

16 March 2008
Running song of the week.Young Love: DiscoTech
I love this song, and plus who says you can't be a hipster while running. I'm actually starting to feel a whole lot better.
14 March 2008
Anyways, today's another busy clinic day, so i'll updated again when i can, with photos! Anyone doing anything cool for St. Patrick's Day?
Reminds me of Seattle: Milli Vanilli - Blame It On The Rain
Yes, i will blame being sick on the rain...
12 March 2008
Say It Again (Original Song)
Half Japanese, Half Irish singer-song writer... Yes it's Pop-y, but hey, she's a total Hasian (hot + Asian).
11 March 2008
Another mobile blog
own car but he had to bring it into the shop. I took this photo near
st. Mary's in San francisco which is near USF. They have such a nice
campus which is further amplified by nice weather.
This is perfect "beisbol" weather which usually means beer and garlic
fries woohoo!
Still haven't decided whether to go to Oklahoma for my friend's
wedding or Paris. Decisions decisions....
Whoa just saw a girl riding a bike who had her red thong exposed. That
was random. :)
08 March 2008
Feminist issues of Grey's Anatomy and Cake
I got her decadent hazelnut cake which she and the guests loved it. I also met a cute history grad student by the name of Megan. She's totally cool! We talked a bit about carpentry, and I'm sure i embarrassed myself. She's pretty cute, got the lisa loeb glasses and a bit snarky. Loves indie shows and stands firm on some issues (she hates grey's anatomy because it depicts women as hysterical crazy people which hindered a lot of women in the past). I must mention she's pretty sweet as well.
This weekend is all about studying and running, (probably going to do it sunday). I wish i could have took some photos of the party but my iphone was out of juice and my camera battery was dead.. Yes, i know i'm lame.
04 March 2008
Today, I ran for 50 minutes at 10:30 pace, lifted 180lbs @ 2 sets of 20, butterfly curls @ the same, and then 120 elevated crunches before i hit the books again... Looking forward to this friday for my friend's wife's quals party. I think chocolate should do it.

So, I
Another SF Indie Pop Moment
So I discovered this band accidently, by going to this website call, an all inclusive guide to fun cheap things to do in the city (like free booze and concerts, and even a bicycle jousting tournament?) Anyway, they're called Love like Fire. I like it! You should too if you know what's what.
They having a mini set @ the Harlot in SF and if it weren't for the fact that I'm trying to be some what responsible with studying and exercise, i'd so go.
Free vodka lemon drops too... Crap. Anyway, give them a listen and tell me what you think.
02 March 2008
Blogging with your Iphone (or mobile phone)
Step 1.
Take a photo with your iphone (or any mobile phone).
Step 2.
Click the "Email Photo"
Step 3.
You should be in the email application and see this screen.
Step 4.
In the To: email field, make sure you have "" (i use, way easy and clean).
Step 5.
In the Subject line, type the title of your blog post. In the body of your email, type the body text of your post as shown in the picture below.
Step 6.
After your done, typing the blog click send and your post should be uploaded to your blogspot address.
Some pointers. I noticed that if i don't write a whole bunch of text, my sentences get skewed a bit with improper paragraph indents. So make sure there's a decent amount of text before you send. Mblogg away.
Another show
out and catch a show (damn school/work) but when I do, I'm glad I did.
The next show is in Merced, about two hours away from sf. Check them
out on myspace. The definite articles.
01 March 2008
Retox lounge
away. I was kinda thinking about not going but I'm so glad I did. Will
have to get a cd if I can.