A (mostly) mobile blog about the life (vaguely non-existent) of a recent Master's graduate navigating through San Francisco, and soon, Chicago. A collection of cool geeky tech stuff, odd grad/med school anecdotes, and random happenstance. Not getting too much into it, let's just say I fight cancer (in general).
30 December 2010
In Vegas!
19 December 2010
Happy holidays
So while my undergrads rest up, I'll be writing a few more chapters. My GABA and last chapter, is on it's way.
And here's a photo of some of the holiday merriment.
06 December 2010
Hat party?
Afterwards, we went to Cafe Deluxe, paid only half of the cover and listen to some jazz while seeing the bar tender do some fire breathing in a red Russian suit. Wish I had a picture to show but instead here are some of the friends that came with me.
04 December 2010
Writing, writing the night away.
26 November 2010
Research and some gobble goble
Today, went out shopping a bit, got my bro a nice jacket from Zara, along with fingerless gloves from banana republic. So that was nice, wrote half a page of my introduction for my research so that was great! I'm going to write more tomorrow as I felt really tired in the evening. I'm going to shoot for a page tomorrow. Sunday, I'll come in and score slides and write.
24 November 2010
Say anything
I'm feeling kinda good, getting work done. I wish I had an easier project, but I've gained a lot of experience from this lab. It's getting done! Painfully.
23 November 2010
At a snail's pace.
The CNS didn't make it, don't know why. I'm optimistic though. I'll try again tomorrow. I'm on 9 out of 17 slides, I should be nearly finished by tomorrow, and tonight I'm going to outline my intro for the diuretic and leucokinin portion of my thesis. The other half will be my electrophysiology, which I'm hoping I'll be able to add more too. So yay.
Thanks to @molecularbond for totally picking up my spirits.
22 November 2010
Research update!
11 November 2010
Gotta figure out the funk
09 November 2010
08 November 2010
07 November 2010
I love this new interface. Completely, clean and streamlined. The user interface is great and the upload is sooo fast.
25 October 2010
Burned out .. to laziness
I saw my brother's white coat ceremony, which was pretty amazing. My little brother is going to be a doctor. Which, I know, he'll be great at because he's capable. I'm going to try taking some allergy medicine to see whether it's the my allergies that's not allowing me to get a full night's rest.
And multitudes of halloween parties coming up! woohoo
19 August 2010
Poof! He's back!

Where did i disappear to? Mostly the land of "get your data together or die." Wasn't really hard when faced with thesis or death, mentality. Ever since I finally figured out how to use my sleep apnea machine well (apparently, air goes in the nose), I've had more energy and mental fortitude to put up with undergrads and interns.
The days have been the same, getting up early(crack of 9:00) to do research, get home before 12 to review MCAT material (tons of pratice questions and understanding why i didn't get the right answer). I like that by doing practice questions, and getting the answer right, i never question that i never got the material down. There are days where i get every single question right (woo!) and days where I miss everything but one (go law of averages).
But what I'm really impressed, is that after a full day of research (read: trying to not blow stuff up), I can go to the gym, get home around 6, eat and walk my dog ( mmm dog) and then studying till 12 (with a few breaks of youtube distactions and iphone games). I suppose I should try to fit in more studying time, but sometimes that just doesn't happen. Tomorrow though, I'm going to try and quickly get an animal on the rig, run back home to study and then prepare to go out with friends for once! BTW: y'all don't know this but I've been studying everyday non-stop without breaks, so yeah, i deserve this one.
Next episode: Roth's going to do co-keynoting a biology graduate retreat? Whaaaa...?
21 April 2010
OMG data collection

Just ran an experiment yesterday, and things are somewhat coming along. It sucks that I come into lab almost everyday to generate data and some grad students in the lab, never show up, and generally are on the "good" list.
No matter. I can't possibly be concern with crazy lab mates and instead, will have to focus on my own research. I have the data, and I can possibly come up with some decent graphs if I keep at it! So there is some hope.
Last night, I decided to get myself a quick treat to fries and a caramel sundae at McDonald's. I feel a bit gross. Ever since I started to cook for myself, I felt better and felt disgusted by processed fast food. Tomorrow, I hope to get some running in (missed monday and tuesday). Tonight (wednesday), is goign to be another long night of setting up lab. Soooo yay? (Not really).
12 April 2010
Mixed greens and turkey meatballs

Got home from class and had frozen turkey meatballs, rice and greenbeans and carrots as starting ingredients.

For a quick meal, and mostly from trader joes ( I got the meatballs from costco), this turned out well! Cooked the veggies in olive oil, pepper, italian seasoning.
I'm thinking pasta tomorrow's dinner.
-- Posted from Roth's iPhone
06 April 2010
To iPad or not to iPad

Besides the arrival of the iPad, there are some serious tablets out there. Just early today, they announced the pricing and specs of the new HP Slate. Despite the low battery life (5+hours vs. 10 hours for the ipad), you get a full fledged working tablet. And a front-facing camera. And a digitizer and fully capacitive multi-touch screen.
Research-wise, I can see myself bringing in the slate to run the spike-sorting software in the lab while simultaneously jotting in data in my excel spreadsheet. Maybe even do a video journal of how my research is going. Pretty awesome!
On a personal note, sleep has been better for me but it feels like my body hasn't had sleep for years and is trying to catch up. I do feel more awake then usual, but man, I really do enjoy sleeping. It's given me at least the energy to be awake to go running. And finally, my endurance has return so i can faster and longer miles.
30 March 2010
Longtime no Bloggie
Wow! It's been a looong time since I've blogged anything! I think it's because I haven't had much to say, research has picked up a lot quicker than I thought and I've been overall busy. However, spring break is here, and it's either blog or write a few pages of my thesis. You can see what I've obviously wanted to do.
So I've had these amazing dates and I want to post some of them on my blog. Generally, I'll give insider dating tips in San Francisco and the Bay Area. Far too often, I've heard that boyfriends haven't had a clue where to take their girlfriends for a date night. Sometimes dinner and movie doesn't cut it. I've got some fairly inexpensive (and fun!) dating tips for guys and gals who haven't had a clue what to do.
I'm really not much of a bar person, so going to a bar and calling it a night, isn't what I call a special and unique evening. I'm also a grad student, so I can't afford to pull off a large production. But hopefully, in the coming days, you'll get to see a few of the awesome dates I've been able to pull of.