30 March 2010

Longtime no Bloggie

Wow! It's been a looong time since I've blogged anything! I think it's because I haven't had much to say, research has picked up a lot quicker than I thought and I've been overall busy. However, spring break is here, and it's either blog or write a few pages of my thesis. You can see what I've obviously wanted to do.

So I've had these amazing dates and I want to post some of them on my blog. Generally, I'll give insider dating tips in San Francisco and the Bay Area. Far too often, I've heard that boyfriends haven't had a clue where to take their girlfriends for a date night. Sometimes dinner and movie doesn't cut it. I've got some fairly inexpensive (and fun!) dating tips for guys and gals who haven't had a clue what to do.

I'm really not much of a bar person, so going to a bar and calling it a night, isn't what I call a special and unique evening. I'm also a grad student, so I can't afford to pull off a large production. But hopefully, in the coming days, you'll get to see a few of the awesome dates I've been able to pull of.

1 comment:

kimberly lauren said...

i can't wait to see what dates you think up next. they're always the best, and if you have even *more* up your sleeve, i'm excited! :)

p.s. your girlfriend thinks you're awesome.