A (mostly) mobile blog about the life (vaguely non-existent) of a recent Master's graduate navigating through San Francisco, and soon, Chicago. A collection of cool geeky tech stuff, odd grad/med school anecdotes, and random happenstance. Not getting too much into it, let's just say I fight cancer (in general).
23 June 2009
18 June 2009
Waiting for my new iPhone 3GS/ Annual neuroscience party @ Chabot Space Center.
It seems like forever but I'm excited for my new iphone this friday.. I'm a bit worried since according to apple.com, it's still "prepared for shipment" and it's wednesday. Crap. I'm hoping, that it does come in on friday because I've taken the day off. It'll be awesome to take some videos of the neuroscience party at the chabot space center. I've been a little obsessed, checkign apple.com almost every hour to see if there's been any change or tracking number. It should be shipped tomorrow and you can bet that I'll be blogging about it.
I guess the best thing I'm looking forward is the compass feature. Too many times I get lost and don't know which way I'm going. To actually orientate myself in the map is important. And word on the street is that, lattitude is on its way for the iPhone. I use google map soo often, it's not even funny. Second most used feature would be the nike plus system. If it works well enough, I'm selling my nano.. Seriously...
Anyways, I'm getting the white 32GB iphone (upgrading from my white 16GB iphone).
16 June 2009
10 June 2009
04 June 2009
And I'm here!
2:38am: At long last I'm here, waiting for my baggage to show up from the underbelly of the plane. The plane that was delayed more than 2 hours. And that loud screaming noise in the background would be the baggage carousel. time to look for mine... Eeep!
3:30am: Tone's friend's passed out on the futon, crashing on the bed with bro.. Not until I finished eating an awesome meatball sub from WaWa. You basically order what you want on a touchscreen. Nice touych
11:00am: Headed out to have one of the best philly steaks in norrisburg with Beth! Good stuff, had some water ice (gelatos here in CA).
2:00pm: Took the Septa back to my bro's place. Played some wii with Beth. Not shabby for an artists.
7:00pm: Watched some entourage.. Surprisngly goood.
10:15pm: Went to my bro's favorite sushi place, hit up a few bars and then a dinner
12:10: Drank too much. Passed out.
03 June 2009
Traveling to Philly
8:09: So apparently, there's crazy lightning storms delaying my flight to philly lame... This is irritating... good thingi have hulu and internet. The flight from San Jose was a bit unique, lots of old people. But generally, people here in texas are pretty friendly. I like it.