Where did i disappear to? Mostly the land of "get your data together or die." Wasn't really hard when faced with thesis or death, mentality. Ever since I finally figured out how to use my sleep apnea machine well (apparently, air goes in the nose), I've had more energy and mental fortitude to put up with undergrads and interns.
The days have been the same, getting up early(crack of 9:00) to do research, get home before 12 to review MCAT material (tons of pratice questions and understanding why i didn't get the right answer). I like that by doing practice questions, and getting the answer right, i never question that i never got the material down. There are days where i get every single question right (woo!) and days where I miss everything but one (go law of averages).
But what I'm really impressed, is that after a full day of research (read: trying to not blow stuff up), I can go to the gym, get home around 6, eat and walk my dog ( mmm dog) and then studying till 12 (with a few breaks of youtube distactions and iphone games). I suppose I should try to fit in more studying time, but sometimes that just doesn't happen. Tomorrow though, I'm going to try and quickly get an animal on the rig, run back home to study and then prepare to go out with friends for once! BTW: y'all don't know this but I've been studying everyday non-stop without breaks, so yeah, i deserve this one.
Next episode: Roth's going to do co-keynoting a biology graduate retreat? Whaaaa...?